Ghost's Journey: A Refugee Story ~Teaching Resources for grades K-7
Ghost's Journey: A Refugee Story written by award-winning author, Robin Stevenson, is based on the true story of Eka, Rainer, and their cat, Ghost.
nominated for: 2021 Silver Birch express Award and the 2021 Rocky Mountain Book Award |
When life in Indonesia becomes too dangerous for LGBTQ people, Ghost and her two dads are forced to leave their home and escape to freedom in Canada. Their story is told from the perspective of Ghost.
SOGI 123 is a resource to assist in helping school districts and educators to build inclusive environments for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
BC educators: videos, lesson plans, and learning modules complete with PowerPoint presentations and facilitator’s guides specifically for elementary students: Alberta educators: a wealth of resources at: |
BC Curricular Connections for Ghost's Journey~Preschool and grades K-3:
- Big Ideas: Stories and traditions about ourselves and our families reflect who we are and where we are from.
- Curricular Competencies: Use Social Studies inquiry processes and skills to ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze ideas; and communicate findings and decisions.
- Content: Ways in which individuals and families differ and are the same. Sample Topic: different types of families (nuclear, extended, step-families, adoptive and biological, same-sex, single-parent, etc.).
- Big Ideas: Healthy communities recognize and respect the diversity of individuals and care for the local environment.
- Curricular Competencies: Use Social Studies inquiry processes and skills to ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze ideas; and communicate findings and decisions.
- Content: Diverse cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives within the local and other communities.
- Big Ideas: Learning about ourselves and others helps us develop a positive attitude and caring behaviours, which helps us build healthy relationships.
- Curricular Competencies: Identify caring behaviours among classmates and within families.
- Content: Caring behaviours in groups and families.
Mama G, an entertaining storyteller from the UK, does a fabulous job of reading Ghost's Journey. For more stories:
Parents resources-see the above video and the link below
REFUGEES resources for elementary students K-7:
Students will learn about the many barriers most refugees face before finally settling as permanent residents in their country of asylum. Teachers can print multiple copies of the "zine" (pdf format) or students can read it on a SMART Board or tablet. The lesson plans help students to delve deeper into the refugee experience. See links below:
For lessons for primary students:
For intermediate students:
Nasrin's Journey Intermediate Secondary Lesson Plan
For more intermediate student resources see below:
Students will learn about the many barriers most refugees face before finally settling as permanent residents in their country of asylum. Teachers can print multiple copies of the "zine" (pdf format) or students can read it on a SMART Board or tablet. The lesson plans help students to delve deeper into the refugee experience. See links below:
For lessons for primary students:
For intermediate students:
Nasrin's Journey Intermediate Secondary Lesson Plan
For more intermediate student resources see below:
BC Curricular Connections for Ghost's Journey- grades 4-7
- Big Ideas: Canada’s policies and treatment of minority peoples have negative and positive legacies.
- Curricular Competencies: Use Social Studies inquiry processes and skills to — ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze ideas; and communicate findings and decisions
- Content: Human rights and responses to discrimination in Canadian society
Sample Topics: LGBTQ Rights and same sex marriage
- Big Ideas: Systems of government vary in their respect for human rights and freedoms.
- Curricular Competencies: Use Social Studies inquiry processes and skills to — ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze ideas; and communicate findings and decisions
- Content: Global poverty and inequality issues, including class structure and gender
- Big Ideas: Religious and cultural practices that emerged during this period have endured and continue to influence people.
- Curricular Competencies: Explain different perspectives on past or present people, places, issues, or events, and compare the values, worldviews, and beliefs of human cultures and societies in different times and places
- Content: social, political, legal, governmental, and economic systems and structures
Gr 4-7 Lessons designed by SOGI
4/5/6/7/8/9 English Language Arts – Exploring Phobias 5/6/7 English Language Arts & Arts Education - Gender and Diversity 5/6/7 Social Studies - LGBTQ+ Human Rights (EN/FR) Suggested lesson from SD 44 teacher for grade 5/6 class "Ghost’s Journey is a perfect fit to teach students about refugees and how LGBTQ people can also apply for refugee status when they are in danger of being persecuted for their sexual orientation/ identity in their home country. The book is a great introduction to SOGI's human rights lesson - ( We did a graphic novel project after, and many students chose to do an adaptation of Ghosts story, writing their own story about LGBTQ refugees." |
Teaching Tough Topics excellent guide that gives teachers ideas on how to use children's literature to build a deeper understanding of social justice, equity, and diversity see. It provides lesson which enrich learning with compassion and empathy as students make connections to texts, to others, and to the world. Author, Larry Swartz, recommends Ghost’s Journey in teaching about refugee rights & LGBTQ+ rights
Educator Discount
Buy directly from Rebel Mountain Press: 30% off single copies ~50% off 10 or more copies . Click here. |